March 09, 2020


We are all “coaches”, we can all bring value to others, we can all get better, we can all help each other.
At the start of the year I was given the task of sharing the coaching system that we have built at InnerFight and specifically under our endurance section with a leadership group from an industry that you would not even put in the same hemisphere as the fitness industry…..the construction industry.
“Wild” you may think and to be honest I had a similar thought when I was first contacted about it. I then took some time out to brainstorm and I started to draw the parallels. There were clearly loads. It lines up with the opening line of this post and if you take anything from reading this then take that.
At the time I was reading a book called Excellence Wins in which the author Horst Schulze states: “We are just ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.”
So yes you are a coach, you can help others, give them value and at the same time they can help you so go and coach but at the same time be coachable and learn from those around you.
