Straight lines and round corners
January 23, 2022

Straight lines and round corners

Both elicit a reaction….for many that of some sort of uncertainty, rage, anger, discomfort, even anxiety.
For others excitement, opportunity, learning!
Straight lines are hard, they are beautifully transparent, they go on and on, for many it’s hard to focus and to judge the distance. They grind us down unless we take them head on by creating awareness around the markings on the way and fully embrace their untrue monotony as we have the amazing opportunity to build mental fortitude in their midst.
Round corners are the polar opposite in their construction but they somehow deliver similar feelings. As we enter them we have little clue what and or if something awaits us. The unknown causes us anything from a touch of fear to deep seeded anxiety, until the point where we enjoy the mindset shift and can embrace the unknown. What’s around that corner could be something truly unique that allows us to grow in many ways.
So different in their architecture but so similar in their (and our) potential if we approach them with the right mindset.
