What defines us?
September 05, 2021

What defines us?

“The way we behave in all areas of our lives on a consistent basis”
The end…….ok so I will shed more light on what may seem quite a bold statement.
The thoughts that you have the moment you wake up.
The way that you choose to talk to and treat people.
The discipline that you instill in your life.
The values and morale’s that you live by.
The things that you achieve no matter how big or small.
Knowing exactly who you are and why you exist.
Being open to becoming a greater human being.
And so the list may go on if you so wish!
These are the things that define us a humans, have a look, have a think about these and about others and ask yourself if you are proud of the way that you are defining you.
Remember it’s about you, not others, no comparing to others, you define you by the way that you behave in all areas of your life on a consistent basis.
